
This programme contains additional information pertaining to the different projects organized.

“On the Rivers of Memory” is the name of a yearly recurring research project organized by Youth Memorial consisting in short-lasting trips around Perm Region. The main aim of such expeditions is the collection of materials concerning political repression in Soviet times and, in particular, the recording of oral recollections of events from former political prisoners and the installation of commemorative plaques where former “special settlements” or Gulags where situated. Since 2000, Youth Memorial already organized more than forty of such expeditions. In 2019, Youth Memorial is planning to organize five of such trips and in each of them volunteers are welcome.

First expedition

When: 1st-4th of May 2019, 4 days

Where: Gornozavodsk and Chusovoy municipal districts in the Perm region, rivers Koyva and Chusovaya, navigation on catamarans from the town/settlement of Kusye-Aleksandrovsky to the city of Chusovoy

Work description: restoration of previously installed commemorative signs to the memory of the victims of the Great Terror along the itinerary of the expedition. Volunteers’ work will be focused on the former Soviet corrective labor camp, Stvor, on whose site, starting from 2007, Youth Memorial volunteers started building the experimental museum – “Museum without a Guide”.

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Participants of the expeditions of "Youth Memorial” in front of a ruins of former GULAG labor camp "Stvor” (July, 2017)

 Second expedition

When: 3rd – 8th July 2019, 6 days

Where: Cherdynsky municipal district, part of Perm region, river Kama, navigation on catamarans from the settlement of Mazunya to the village of Bondyug. The expedition will take place in the north of the region, in places where Youth Memorial had not yet the chance to organize research activities.

Work description: volunteers will participate in collecting “oral history” (memories, testimonies) from the local population in the city of Cherdyn and in the villages of Bondyug and Chepets, as well as in installing commemorative plaques, signs to the memory of the victims of the Great Terror along the expedition’s route.

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Participants of one of the expeditions “On the Rivers of Memory” with the inhabitants of the village Vilva posing in front of a commemorative plaque in memory of victims of political repression (Vilva, 2017)

 Third expedition

When: 17th – 22nd July 2019, 6 days

Where: villages of Barda and Yelovo, city of Osa in the Perm Region. These places are to be found in the southern part of the Region. So far, Youth Memorial had not yet organized research expeditions there. Transfer of participants will be done by private transportation.

Work description: volunteers will participate in collecting “oral history” (memories, testimonies) from the local population in the villages of Barda and Yelovo, in the city of Cherdyn and nearby settlements, as well as in installing commemorative plaques, signs to the memory of the victims of political repressions.

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A participant of one of the previous expeditions is portrayed while interviewing a formerly repressed woman
(village of Tyoplaya Gora, May 2017)

 Fourth expedition

When: 25th – 30th July 2019, 6 days

Where: Kungur and Kishertsky municipal districts in the Perm Region, Sylva river, navigation on catamarans from the village of Ust-Kishert to the city of Kungur. These places are to be found in the southern part of the Region. So far, Youth Memorial had not yet organized research expeditions there.

Work description: volunteers will participate in collecting “oral history” (memories, testimonies) from the local population in the city of Kungur, in the village of Ust-Kishert and nearby settlements, as well as in installing commemorative plaques, signs to the memory of the victims of political repressions along the itinerary of the expedition.

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Volunteers canoeing on the Koyva river during the Russian-German expedition “New Paths” (August 2016)

 Fifth expedition

When: 5th – 11th August 2019, 7 days

Where: Kudymkarsky municipal district, part of the Perm region, Oshyb municipality, rural settlement of Galyashor near the Village of Velva-Baza and the Velva river

Work description: Volunteers will participate in the improvement of the memorial signs and of the cemetery of the Lithuanian and Polish special settlers of the 1940s.

For reference. The memorial sign called “Borja Tui Galyashor” (translated from the Komi-Permyak language, “The last path of Galyashor”) was installed in 2017 in memory of the Lithuanian citizens who were, in 1945, repressed for political reasons and forcibly resettled from the Lithuanian SSR to the territory of the Beloevsky municipal district in the Komi-Permyak national district of the Molotov region. They died between 1945 and 1954 and were buried in a cemetery near the former village of Galyashor. Nowadays, all of them have been rehabilitated as victims of political repression under the laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Lithuania.

This expedition is carried out jointly with the Lithuanian initiative group, with the support of the Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.

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Monument in memory of the Lithuanian citizens who were repressed for political reasons (rural settlement of Galyashor, Summer 2016)


All the projects of the Youth Memorial organization are focused on promoting the ideas of tolerance, intercultural dialogue, democracy and Human Rights, through the development of civic activism. We encourage volunteers to engage in preserving the memory of the past in their countries, in perpetuating the memory of the victims of totalitarian regimes through participation in civil actions.

The proposed program of projects is exclusively non-commercial, charitable and non-political. Youth Memorial’s partner is the public organization – Perm Memorial. You will find more information about the program “On the rivers of memory” here. We also invite you to watch the documentary films “By the rivers of memory”, “Chronicle of the search expedition” and “Who owns the past”, in order to have a better grasp of the specificities and characteristics of these projects.

We also invite you to get acquainted with Perm Memorial’s website, where you will find an electronic Memorial Map locating monuments, memorial plaques and temporary memorial signs currently installed in the Perm Territory. A significant part of them came into existence during research expeditions.

Participation in these volunteer expeditions is open, not only to residents of Perm, the Perm region and other cities and regions of Russia, but also to young people from other countries. We encourage people with different backgrounds to take part in our projects.

Number of participants per expedition: 8 - 10 people. Participation of high school students and foreign volunteers with knowledge of the Russian language is also possible.

Age of the participants: 16 years or more, regardless of their place of residence or activity. In exceptional cases, also applications from younger people are taken into account.

What is most important for us is the motivation of the volunteer. We will be very glad to welcome all of those who are interested in the activities of our organization, including journalists, employees and activists of non-profit volunteer organizations. We particularly welcome candidates from the regional offices of the society "Memorial".

Volunteers with personal vehicles are welcome. Fuel expenses will be fully compensated by the organizers.

Working languages: Russian and English

All the projects provide an educational and cultural program for volunteers: excursions, discussions, talks, meetings with civic activists, watching films, artistic activities and also moments of relax.

All the participants will be provided by Youth Memorial with the necessary equipment: (catamarans, tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, etc.). The organizers will cover most of the food, accommodation, cultural and educational programs costs during each expedition. Volunteers travelling expenses from and to Perm will also be covered by Memorial.  

Travel expenses to Perm and back will have to be covered by participants.

The registration fee is 2000 rubles per participant. The contribution of the volunteer goes to the budget of the chosen project and is spent exclusively for that particular expedition.

Requirements for the participants:

Applications for participation are accepted in the form of a completed application form sent by e-mail. Deadline for submission - two weeks before the start of the selected expedition for Russian participants and one month before for foreign volunteers (in this case more time is needed for the completion of the formalities regarding the letter of invitation and the visa). We recommend to submit the applications as early as possible, since often the expedition teams are already formed a month or two before their beginning. You can apply for several projects at once. 

Email contacts for submission of applications (only Third expedition!): ivan.memorial.perm@gmail.com We kindly ask you to send the application (in cc) also to the general email box: perm.memorial@gmail.com , so as to be sure that your email does not go unseen. We will answer as soon as possible. For further questions or information, contact the project coordinator.

The selection of the participants is carried out on a competitive basis; the results are announced no later than two weeks before the start of the project.

Contact persons: Robert Latypov, Perm Memorial Director and Ivan Vasilyev, Project Coordinator for Youth Memorial



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